Home Page - McClelland Family

McClelland Family Tree
Our Family History
Descendants of Johm McClelland of Armagh
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Welcome to my Web site!

This web site is dedicated to the preservation of our family history. It started as a hobby to preserve information we had in the family. Over the years and thanks to the help from relatives and others around the world, our family tree now contains over 5,700 individuals, 1,977 marriages, 15 generations and 1,174 surnames.  On my side of the family, confirmed  information for my g.g. grandfather John McClelland dates back to 1818, while gg grandmother Margaret Blackburn dates back to the mid 1700's. On my mother's side, the Folliott and Boynton families date back to the early 1700's. All my immediate ancestors settled in Ontario, Canada.

On my wife's side of the family, the Schwab's and Herman's emigrated from Hussenbach and Wulka, Volhynian  in Russia in the late 1880's and early 1900's. They are often referred to as the Volga Germans, as they lived along the River Volga in the region of southeastern European Russia.

Navigating My Website
The web site is set up with a Family Backgrounds section that gives a  brief history of the  McClelland, Hurlburt, Hurd, Folliott, Grieve and Schwab families. This is followed by Family Details section for the respective families. All family information, including individuals, is found here. Please note that I have published only the basic details for each family.  I have not included specific notes on each individual, either for privacy reasons or for simplicity in maintaining the web site.  However, I do have a lot of detailed information on family members. Please contact me directly for more information.
I have not shown my generation or the preceding generation, if I am aware of living family members from that generation.

Viewing this Web Site
The site is best viewed using a desktop computer, a laptop or a tablet such as an iPad.  The site contains a considerable amount of detailed information at various levels in the site. There can be two or more levels in a menu item. Although this site is designed with responsive software to allow access by most devices, you will have difficulty reading the text at some levels in this site, particularly when using smart phones at less than a 640px display. Any device with a display size less than  480px may be very difficult, if not impossible to read or follow. For iPhone users, use  the Reader View option for the Safari browser.  

Disclaimer: In many cases, birth, death, marriage, etc. dates are not confirmed by official documents.  Many dates have been passed down through families over the years or have been provided to me personally.  In some cases, birth dates have been derived from Census reports, which are known to be inaccurate at times.

In addition to this website, I also have two other web sites which may be of interest.  The first is the Folliott Family of Canada at www.folliott.ca.  The site contains more information on other families on the Folliott side of our family. My other site is a history of the Matador Co-op Farm located near Kyle, Saskatchewan, Canada.  This is where I spent the first twelve years of my life. It was a rather unique experiment by the Government of Saskatchewan to provide employment to soldiers returning from the World War II.  It can be found at www.matadorco-opfarm.ca. Please note that clicking on either site will take you out of the McClelland Family website.


Thanks to the work and contributions of many using FamilySearch.org, the Hurlburt line has been traced back to a John Cooke. He arrived aboard  the Mayflower at Plymouth Colony in Massachusetts in November 1620, accompanied by his father Francis. John Cooke is my 10th great grandfather. The connection to the Hurlburt line is through Hannah Mosher (1780-1857), wife of 4th great grandfather Heman Hurlburt (1773-1853).  

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